How to build a car

The ride of a life time

How to build a car is the autobiography of one of the greatest F1 car designer Adrian Newey.

As a 90s kid, my earliest memory is Micheal Schumachar dominating the grid. I was more recently re-introduced to F1 by Dr. Peter Attia for his love for one of the greatest drivers, Aryton Senna.

I learned more about motorsport history in the 80s from his experience on the grid, notably the Andretti’s, IndyCar, the very good looking Leyton House. Also the legends in the field and how they operate, like Ron Dennis, Bernie Ecclestone, Christain Horner; and those who drive his car to victory and the championship: Damon Hill, DC, Seb, Webber and of course Senna. It is very interesting from the point of view of a relatively young but already accomplished, make a careless mistake and in some way, led to the tragic death of Aryton Senna.Work around the rule, smart solution, bring continuity and improvement to the system, all can be related to the work of programming in a sense. It is in reading such a fascinating autobiography that I found myself could not stop reading it.

Adrian attributed his success to having been dismissive and the struggle to get through university gave him the competitiveness/determination to prove he can succeed.Such competitiveness lead to tunnel vision and become thoughtless as a result and failing to consider the little things that make the people in your life happy and family life smoother.

Author | Glory Chan

A data analyst and a weekend cyclist. Gruaduate from school of decision science. Interest in how to use data to improve decision making and anything aerodynamic.