The books I read in 2018

This is water

  • Different belief templates will create different ways of constructing meaning from experience.
  • Different model will construct different meaning from the same data.
  • Blind certainty, a close-mindedness that amounts to an imprisonment so total that the prisoner doesn’t even know he’s locked up

21 Lessons For The 21st Century

  • The world is crawed with data, so to thrife in 21st century will be the ablity to control data sourse and navigate though it.

Trust me, I’m lying by Ryan Holiday

  • As there are inherent conflict of interest between blogger/influencer, their content and audience, the former will do what ever it takes to write things that create bruzz and that is it, nothing more.
  • Ryan Holiday, a marketing guru

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F!ck by Mark Manson

Who you are is defined by what you are willing to struggle for.

  • Values you can’t control are bad values to follow.
  • Certainty hampers growth

You are a badass

  • Dont give to much shit about others view
  • When your environment(i.e city, friends etc.) dont support you, change your environment, if you cant change your environment, maybe you should rethink your hobbit

The Paradox Of Choice

  • The more options you have, the harder it gets to decide, and to decide well, and no matter what you decide on, you will be less happy.
  • Good enough is the best – become a satisficer
  • And most of the time options are not really a options but a illusion/frusa

Work The System

Most people don’t fail by overt mistake. They fail because they don’t take action — Sam Carpenter

  • our view of whether a system runs well is very subjective.
  • Start focusing on the systems you can control, and stop complaining about the ones you can’t.
  • This is the hand you’ve been dealt. Start playing it.
  • Take some time to step back, look at the systems in your life from outside.

Everything is obvious

  • Common sense are destine suffer from cognitive bias
  • Instead of trying to predict the future, stay in the present and work with what you’ve got
  • Use the scientific method to life, create a hypothesis, collect data to prove or dis prove your hypothesis

The Signal And The Noise

  • Most economists try to predict too accurately and are too confident about their skills.
  • Every prediction always needs the proper assessment of a human being.
  • You can use Bayes’ theorem to account for errors in your own predictions.

The Happiness Project

  • Clean up your house and your brain, because all clutter wears us down.
  • Accept these two things to build better relationships.
  • You can’t change your partner; you can only change yourself. It takes about five positive actions to correct one negative one. Therefore, doing less negative ones for example by reducing fighting and quitting the bickering is a great way to make your relationships happier.
  • What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.
  • Money is like health – it doesn’t guarantee you’ll be happy, but not having to worry about it makes your life a lot easier.

Fire and fury

  • No one including Trump and his staff expect he actually win and become the president, the result is a group of inexperience staffs and an emotional driven president running USA under executive order to avoid proper process.

Zero to one by Peter Thiel

Elon musk

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life


Author | Glory Chan

A data analyst and a weekend cyclist. Gruaduate from school of decision science. Interest in how to use data to improve decision making and anything aerodynamic.