Awareness by Anthony de mello

Awareness by Anthony de mello

Eagle lived and died a chicken, for that’s what he thought here was → wake up people up to the reality of their greatness

Waking up


The first thing to wake up is to aware that people dont want to be awake; most of the time people go to psychologist just to get a relief, not to be cured, as cure is painful.


Dont expect me to be of help to anyone nor do I expect to damage anyone. If you are damaged; you did it; and if you are helped, you did it. You THINK people help/support you, they didn’t.

The fact you dont want to say: “My judgment was lousy”

People dont really want to grow up, people dont really want to change, people dont really want to be happy.

You only get yourself in trouble

Dont try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it irritates the pig

it is useless, tell yourself “ Give up, give up,give up”

Spirituality ( mindfulness, awareness, etc)

  • People have to suffer enough in a relationship before they wake up and say “I’m sick of it”
  • People also have to suffer a little more, as most people just want to get a relief not to get out of it, only when your are sick of your sickness that you will get out of it

One sign that your are woken up is when you ask yourself, “Am I crazy, or are all of them crazy?’

When you fight something, you are tied to it forever

Author | Glory Chan

A data analyst and a weekend cyclist. Gruaduate from school of decision science. Interest in how to use data to improve decision making and anything aerodynamic.